Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Many Licks Does It Take Till You Get To the Center Of...

I'm pretty sure most of you guys remember the famous Tootsie Pop Commercials
growing up.  I personally LOOOOOVE Tootsie Pops.  As a kid I would separate all my tootsie roll products away from the rest of my Halloween candy and have a BALL.  So when my boyfriend asked me this question (he prob doesn't even remember)  I was sooo excited.  How many licks does it take to you get to the center of a....Tootsie Pop?

My Mission
I went into the 23rd Street CVS and bought a flower of tootsie pops.  I figured for my enjoyment I'd try to get to the center of three.

  1. bit into it 
  2. 471
  3. 468
  4. 470
That averages out at 469.6666667 lol.

Happy Hollween to everyone!

I had to post this video to accompany this entry: 


Anonymous said...

dique tootsie roll. yo tengo una paleta pa ti, con crema adentro.

Daze said...

ODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD for the comment left before mine lol

Anonymous said...

raunchy mcraunchy