Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Below the Belt-less

Dearest Este, 

I'm a 20 year old straight girl and my boyfriend and I have been going out for 4 months and we recently found ourselves alone in his dorm-room.  We started making out and I made my way to his zipper to give him Fellatio and he DENIED me! He sort of gave me a weird look and pulled away.  What does this mean?  Does he not like the idea? Does he think I'm easy? Was i going too fast?

-Below the Belt-less (BBL)


Honestly, I am no one to determine if it was to "fast" for you to offer your boo fellatio.  Every relationship is different and what's the "right" time in one, may not be the case for another.  What kind of guy is your boyfriend?  What kind of girl are you?  If your boyfriend looks down on easy girls, then he would have broken up with you.  So I'm pretty sure he does not think less of you because of this.  Maybe he needed more time, the relationship you two have means more to him then just sucking his dick dry (is that even possible..lol).  Ease up BBL, keep being a good GF, be there for him and in a little while offer it to him again or wait till he initiates it.  He could have possibly been overwhelmed by the fact that you took initiative and offered it first.  Guys always want Dom partners, but when they get them, they don't know how to handle a dominant woman.  

While thinking about how to answer your question BBL, I had a good convo with a friend and found out that alot of girls do not enjoy giving BJs. I personally thought it was apart of the package. Well turns out not for HIS PACKAGE..lol. I think people need to ease up and explore their partner's body as well as theirs.  I'm all bout being a GGG (a phrase Dan Savage has coined in his advice column, Savage Love) partner. 

How to be a GGG partner:
GGG stands for Good, Giving and Game, which is what we should all strive to be for our sex partners.

  • Good - In bed
  • Giving - equal time and equal pleasure
  • Game - for anything - within reason

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that niggas a faggot ill let u give me top neday ma