Saturday, March 21, 2009

Journalism Classmates

So I got semi negative feed back from my classmates. I must admit, I was super mean to the last person who wrote in and i wrote him an apology which went as follows:

I'm really sorry for giving you a hateful response.  I truly did not mean to.  Because I got carried away, I will be deleting your post and just leaving you with this: In your email you made it seem that you were freaked out about this because your cousin was deaf.  You were holding a bias against just another one of his characteristics.  I think that's what made me lash out the way I did.  I really think that you need to reevaluate yourself and congratulate him, instead of bringing him down.  Just because he is impaired doesn't mean you need to separate him from the rest.  That just means you're fitting into the mold us Americans have made for ourselves for being such a judgemental culture.  A culture that prides itself on looks and physical attribute that do not truely define a person. This is the advice I should have originally given you. Ha-sorry!  Good Luck! Thank you for writing in.


I think I needed the tough love.  I was wrong for judging him the way I did.  I did talk to him about it and he was perfectly fine with everything that was said.  Thnx. I don't mind if you keep it up. I found it funny and straight forward.

See, I'm really not this mean.  I own up to it, I was wrong!!!  Please don't stone me when I walk into class lol.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Stevie Wonder Meets Marvin Gaye

What Would E.G. Do is back after a super long hiatus! Instead of writing for my pleasure and to help you sexual animals, i'm writing for my journalism class (oh and to help you hyper sexual animals lol)

People were still writing in but I just responded via email.  So now feel free and
email me with your questions/problems and they will most likely be posted on the site (unless asked not too.)
Enough about me, here it is.

Dearest Este,

My cousin and I are very close, we've been very close since we were kids.  He is now 20 and I'm 23.  The other day I came home early from work to find him having sex with a girl.  This just kinda freaked me out. He's deaf and for some reason it just really freaked me out to see him fucking a girl in our apt.  I've been a little awkward with him because I'm not sure what to tell him.  What should I do?

-Stevie Wonder Meets Marvin Gaye (SWMMG)


The last time I checked, SWMMG, deaf boys went through puberty and got horny and fucked girls and later made chitlings (kids)! If this was one of your other boys, would you have reacted the same? I think you're an ignorant cunt for being bias to your "close" cousin.  Embrace the fact that he's having awesome (i hope protected) sex!  I think you should just approach him like you do to all your other male friends when you share sexual experiences with each other.  Remind him to be safe and protect himself.

P.s. Dick face, Stevie Wonder is Blind not Deaf!

If you're ever going to write in, please, please, PUHHH LEASE get your facts straight!
